Globalization refers to an extension beyond national borders of the same market forces that have operated for centuries at all levels of human economic activity. I was learning four types of HRIS organizational models are multinational, global, international and traditional. Differences of these models that are degree of centralization, its level of responsiveness to local issues, and its ability to leverage and share innovation and learning worldwide.
From four types, I am interested to know more about transnational HRIS model. This model is particularly useful for large and multinational conglomerates. The transnational HRIS may increase complexity, diversity, and volatility. Three different strategic needs that drive organization in selecting each model, firstly local flexibility. Secondly, leveraging knowledge/ sharing. Lastly, global integration need for efficiency.
The important thing I know from this topic is transnational HRIS brings efficiencies through an integrated network of competencies and processes, provides flexibility and creates a learning organization. It combines the best of being global and local in an environment sharing. I would do differently when I had the chance do revision hard before quiz in the class. For the forum Dr. Nur Naha tell to do, actually I had once trying to do but cannot continue. I think maybe this forum for last student. So I let it go, however I try to open it again and again but not function.
I can use this information gathered to inform future use when I am study and working place. The knowledge I get from this on globalizing HRIS to implement in my study, this topic are more challenging and make me further thinks. Change management and HR integrating HRIS with anticipate resistance and find ways to deal with it and remind management and others that change is a process and successful change takes time.