Tuesday, 20 December 2011

References :

Mick Marchington & Adrian Wilkinson, 4th Edition, 2008, HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AT WORK, People Management & Development, London : cipd

Words : 1339 words


In sum, from the topic HRIS I have learnt, I choose Evolution of Human Resource Management and HRIS, Information System for Competitive Advantages and on globalizing HRIS for the first part reflection blog. For the second, I have chosen Web Based Technology Learning and Development (ELD) and Online Induction System. First, I feel so hard to learn this subject because the Information Technology applies in the human resource management. However, I not look the most related area in HR such as I learnt before. Now, after ending the class I found the common HRM function like the topic I choose for half part this reflection blog.

6.Performance Management Cycle

Performance management (PM) issues those are central to many other elements of HRM such as recruitment, induction, training and development, reward management, through to capability procedures and termination (Boxall & Purcell,2008). PM aims directly to link together individual goals and organizational objectives in day -to-day management activity. Performance Management Systems, state that PM aims to make the good better, share understanding about what is to be achieved, develop the capacity of people to achieve it, and provide support and guidance people need to deliver high performance and achieve their full potential to the benefit of themselves and the organization according to Armstrong and Baron (2007,p.2).

The principal components of the performance management system

Measurement and rating system for performance review likely to be problems in terms of meaningfulness, objectivity, accuracy, validity and equity with setting SMART ( Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound). Besides that, the problems of competencies, objective-setting can be measure with suitable rating systems. For example, evaluate employees using 360-Degree Performance Appraisal and upward review. There are a number of reasons why upward and 360-degree feedback as popular way to do evaluation.  First, it encourages self-awareness. Secondly, multi rater assessments provide greater validity, and therefore stand a better chance of acceptance. Third, information gathered can be used for strategic planning purposes. Fourth, it facilitates open communications as people become used to giving and receiving feedback. Next, it provides a framework for effective assessment and development of poor performers. (Mabey, 2001, IRS Employment Review 769a, 2003:Flechter, 2004, pp60-1:Bach,2005,p307)

Performance appraisal also most popular in HRM, however my knowledge are narrow in PM. Before this, I take performance appraisal topic as my task for past subject assignment. Now, I take this challenge PM topic to know more deeply of HRM functions. The important things I take from this topic is the role of technology in supporting performance is categories into 3 which is the web, third-party vendors and ERP providers. The web is online performance appraisal forms. In addition, administration and analysis of full-circle feedback or other types of customer input. It creation of self-paced learning program to help managers understand PMS and individual scorecards that cascade companywide balanced scorecards. Furthermore, a third-party vendor such administration of competency and skill databases to tracking completion of performance appraisals. Moreover, technology-driven databases of performance objectives and language to provide timely and meaningful feedback are available. Lastly, ERP providers manage and track performance management.

PMS seen as synonymous with ‘new’ ways of managing HR, revolve around four stages.  There are defining performance standards, reviewing and appraising performance, reinforcing performance standards, and supporting individuals to meet performance expectations. PMS also have to be designed to dealt with poor performance with in an appropriate way. So that, continuous monitoring to check the system is effectively aligning individual and corporate objectives, especially in times of rapid change according Bach, 2005.

5.Online Induction System

From the topic, I learnt more detail the using for HRIS in the system implement that is Online Induction System. Give me a picture the overall human resource function and the importance of Information Technology in administration for organization nowadays. The aspect that caused me the most anxiety and difficulty is important HRIS in e-induction to connecting employees with human resource activities. Usually, the process of induction system manually rather than now easier with new technology make the process are faster, efficient and cost reduction.

Any aspect that surprised me is the Online Induction system can be access by employee, it means they will be know the information and program provide instantly. Besides that, manage their information with update the latest expansion. They are more open and expose the organization mission, vision and policy to their standard for achieving organizational goal in short and long term. Human resource department job also become efficient with this system. The important things I took away from the topic is the function of Human Resource Management (HRM) such as training and development, recruitment system, performance and talent management, and benefit and compensation. Besides that, job description, employee involvement and OSH in organization implement with information technology to the success to compete globally.

If I given the chance to study again the topic, I would do differently my study with make a hard effort to involve in participant in class. So that, I can do more understand the learning process. Online induction system constitute is interesting topic to learn & easy to understand I guest. From this reflection blog, I can refer the information I learnt and make as a reference for future to apply in my study also in area I will deal.

4.Web Based Technology & Employee Learning & Development (ELD)

The method s used to deliver learning and development is most appropriate to specific situations. According Wolff,2007 b and Gibb,2008 state that strategic value of training is critical, with emphasis on meeting current and future corporate objectives. So that, ELD seen provide offer online training. Learning and development at work purpose to improve productivity, performance and knowledge development. Bloom’s Taxonomy (Gibb,2008) views learning as a series of building- blocks as knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation.

Social theories encompass ‘communities of practice’ whereby learning is transferred from networks of people. The basis for most learning and development to identify training needs by the trainers to contribution to organization goals. The component of HRIS such as payroll, career planning and development, performance appraisal, recruitment or selection, training and development, benefits administration and compensation administration related with ELD system. The purpose of ELD, first improve and correct an employee’s performance and the organization’s itself. Second, training programs increase the employee’s knowledge, skill and attitudes towards their current work. Third, develop programs that are conducts in order to preparing the employees with their future work. Forth, to ensure the employees can keep on competitiveness and will perform in their work. Then, help the employee manage their stress due to work overload.

The important things in the ELD system is the component which is employee personal information, performance before training, training course, training transfer, and program evaluation. Then, the application of ELD system such as record all the information that related with purpose of training management. Then, recording, storing and information HR analyze related with training. Next, fulfill the new position and promotion in an organization. Furthermore, employee can see their performance before training. Moreover, employee will know what are the course will be conducted by organization. For example, comparison between ELD System and Traditional Paper-based ELD System which are  computerization are self-service, no face to face communication and inflexible. However, paper based are not self-service, face-to face communication and flexible.

The advantages of ELD system are cost effective and accessibility helps to empowerment and facilitation and improved computer skills. The disadvantages of this system are certain contents are not suitable to employees, need employees to know the basic computer skill and lack of human contact. The implication ELD System for management such as the system helps organizations in making important decisions. Also, system can improve the efficiency of recovery actions in terms of cost reduction actions. Other than that, to information about the staff of the organization of information can be delivered effectively and simply and another.  The important is the system can help make the process easier to implement, facilitate timely information sharing, and enabling a consistent coordination between elements and the organization.